Who Am I?

I am a career engineer and dissenting member of the professional class.

I grew up wanting to be an engineer, a desire to make life better with technology. It was clear technology was rapidly changing and I knew, if properly steered, could dramatically improve people’s lives.

Entering college, I eagerly desired to be like all the other people entering into the same field as me, even as I discovered they lacked the character and morality that I was raised with. Their ideologies were far from mine, and I overlooked their political ideologies and indoctrinations because of my desire to have a career as an engineer, and to be accepted among their ranks.

I was ignorant of the systemic corruption of academia and the political gatekeeping surrounding the professional class. The term “professional class” wasn’t even in my vocabulary. I never questioned it.

When met with the academic attempts to force me into conforming to their ideologies, I resisted (oblivious to the social ramifications). I lost many friends in college, but gained many more. Others, who resisted indoctrination and dissented against the establishment narratives before us.

My eyes became opened to the deception in education - the idea that we were learning anything more than a political and religious ideology was a lie. I knew the technical skills needed for my profession, long before entering college. There was nothing technical or relevant to my career that I learned in college.

Entering my profession, I began to be met with ethical and moral choices that I never expected to arise. Questions not over whether or not a system user had privacy, but over how much privacy they should have. As if we, as engineers, had the right to decide another person’s rights to privacy. Other questions around how to psychologically manipulate a user and change their behavior to your liking. As if a “user” is somehow no longer human when they were using our service. Eventually became, how can we change the way a user thinks and make them think the way we want them to? As if our way of thinking must be superior to the non-persons using our products and services. These ethical and moral choices were gradual at first, but became all-too-common as time progressed.

The effects of the choices we (as engineers) made became clear over time. What was sold to me as “helping people” was revealed to be, in fact, harming people.

The problem wasn’t the technology, but rather, the engineers behind the technology.

Looking for others who saw the problems with my industry and the impact on our culture, I discovered new voices in the fields of culture, science, law, technology, and later journalism and reporting. This fueled a new-found love for independent and alternative creators who talked about things that actually mattered, and rejected the institutional ideologies. It became clear that I had passion for things I never knew I had passion for - politics, law, culture.

With the help of independent voices, I began to educate myself. I’ve become knowedgable on history, law, science, and even more educated within my own domain of expertise. My education is by no means complete, but in growing and learning I’ve had an epiphany - an awakening inside of me. I found that I have a voice. A voice I never knew I had.

My passion runs deep now, and yearns to be unleashed. Without direction and purpose, it is merely a gong in the wind among a vast sea of voices. Unless harnessed and used for purpose, it will never flourish.

I come to you now, today, with my voice. I am still learning and growing, finding my voice; and understanding how to turn it into something meaningful and valuable to you, to our culture and society, and to make an impact.

Why this site? Why now?

A revolution has taken place, a technology revolution. We know this. We lived through it. Now, another revolution is about to begin - another technology revolution in AI.

In the past, changes in technology brought about changes in thought and ideology. Five centuries ago, the scientific revolution preceded the enlightenment. Two centuries ago, the industrial revolution preceded the Democratic revolution in America and Europe. Today, we have lived through another major technological revolution, but we’ve only just begun to see the next revolution in ideology.

A time is coming and is now here, where the most important revolution will not be one of technology, but of ideology - of mind and soul.

Now is the time for passion. Now is the time to have a voice.

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Credentials and Experience?

I’ve spent the majority of my career as an engineer in tech.

I’ve built technology and systems in the following fields:

  • AI
  • Finance
  • Streaming
  • Healthcare
  • Big Pharma
